Tilsley, Jerry M. wrote:
> I have the schema:
> CREATE TABLE panel_tracker (ov_id numeric, mt_acct char(12), orm_id numeric, 
> panel_code char(5));

Really?  You don't have a "ov_systems" table?

> I would like to create the following INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger:
> create trigger insteadInsertPanelTracker instead of insert on panel_tracker
> begin
> set @ov_id = select ov_id from ov_systems where mt_mnemonic=NEW.ov_id;
> insert into panel_tracker values (@ov_id, NEW.mt_acct, NEW.orm_id, 
> NEW.panel_code);
> end
> ;

This is not valid in SQLite.

There are no variables; you would have to put that into a subselect.

And SQLite does not allow you to put INSTEAD OF triggers on a table.
If you really want to do this, you have to create a view for that
table, and create INSTEAD OF triggers for all of INSERT/UPDATE/

create trigger insteadInsertPanelTracker
instead of insert on panel_tracker
  insert into the_actual_panel_tracker_table
    values ((select ov_id from ov_systems where mt_mnemonic=NEW.ov_id),
            NEW.mt_acct, NEW.orm_id, NEW.panel_code);

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