On Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 2:24 AM, big stone <stonebi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ooups !
> Thanks to the awesome  posts about "RPAD/LPAD", I understood that I could
> already create a "sqrt()" function for SQLite3  in interpreted python.

Yes, that discussion was inspiring :)

Looking at your task I also played with cte version of sqrt.
Based on the "guessing" approach from one of the answers from
the following query finally worked.

with recursive
  sqrt(depth, val, guess) as
      select 1, :value, Cast(:value as Float)/2
      select depth + 1, val as newval, ((guess + val/guess)/2) as
newguess from sqrt where abs(newguess - guess) > 1e-308 and depth <
select guess from sqrt order by depth desc limit 1

but I could not overcome some pecularities of float numbers so depth <
100 here is for cases when comparison fails to stop.
Also for CTE queries in general I wonder whether there is another
faster way to get the last row of the query (in natural executing
order), so order by depth can be replaced by something else. I suspect
ordering here triggers temporary storage.

I tested this function as "expression function" implemented based on
that thread and an average speed of this one is about 4000 sqrt
operations / second on a mobile Intel i3. Not so fast, but if one
desperately needs one, then it would be ok.

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