So am I misunderstanding how to get what I am after?

I am using a select statement to produce a list of records “ordered by” the 
highway column. 
My understanding was that the select statement would include my collation as 
part of the order by function.

Is this not the case?

On Apr 2, 2014, at 10:29 AM, Simon Slavin <> wrote:

> On 2 Apr 2014, at 6:08pm, Donald Steele <> wrote:
>> The first part is where my confusion is. First of course is where it takes 
>> place but then since I would apply it to a column of a table as part of a 
>> select statement what are the strings in the compare and how do I set a 
>> length when the length will vary?
> The collation function is never applied to an entire column at once.  
> Occasionally SQLite will hand it two strings and its job is just to compare 
> those two strings at that time.
> There are lots of things that can cause SQLite to call your collation 
> function: use of '>' in a SQL command, use of 'GROUP BY', use of 'ORDER BY', 
> or creating a new index.  But the collation function doesn't have to worry 
> about why it is being called, it just does its thing.
> Simon.
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