On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 4:58 PM, James K. Lowden
<jklow...@schemamania.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Apr 2014 13:30:15 +0000
> "Drago, William @ MWG - NARDAEAST" <william.dr...@l-3com.com> wrote:
>> Should I split this table up into smaller tables to eliminate the
>> NULLs (e.g. use one table each for IL, Phase, RL, Isolation)?

> Your database design is a model of the real world.  The rules it
> enforces should reflect those of the world it models. The tuple (IL,
> Phase, RL, Isolation) doesn't have much meaning, does it, in the sense
> that *together* they say something special about whatever (GUID, Path)
> represent?  From your description, each individual tuple (e.g., (GUID,
> Path, IL)) is meaningful, but the presence of, say, IL without Phase is
> not.  Each is a separate, freestanding fact, justifying its own table.

Pushed to its extreme, this sounds like an EAV* model, which seems
surprising coming from you James ;)

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entity%E2%80%93attribute%E2%80%93value_model

> The part I like least about your design (1) the use of a GUID and, in
> particular (2) the name "GUID" for the column.  If you are generating
> this GUID, don't; use an integer.  If you're not generating it -- if it
> comes to you from another source and therefore identifies something in
> "the real world" in some sense, OK.  Either way, use the name of the
> column to reflect the thing identified, not the datatype of the
> identifier.

First, about your GUID versus integer point (an often contentious
debate), I'm on the (opposite) GUID side myself. And the reason is to
increase concurrency and decrease contention. When you depend on a
server-enforced AUTO-INCREMENTED key, you must go to the central
server to get that unique id, which is a round-trip (in client-server
scenarii), and sometimes you must also insert a row, before you
potentially have all the facts (columns). A GUID on the other hand can
be randomly generated client-side, completely independently of the
server, and still be unique (since 128 bit, a very very large integer,
and a good RNG). If you need to "merge" later tables or databases
created independently, you won't have GUID conflicts, unlike
AUTO-INCREMENTED integer PKs (the integers are used in FKs elsewhere,
so any merge operation must map the old AUTO-INC PKs to the new
AUTO-INC ones, and updates all FKs). So IMHO, a GUID PK is very
appropropriate in many scenarii, as long as one remembers it is only a
Surrogate Key, i.e. a convenient fixed-sized, globally unique (and
thus often immutable) single value to use in FKs (especially
convenient in the face of complex composite natural keys), and not a
Natural Key.

Second, the datatype is blob (or RAW(16) in Oracle), not GUID, and
there's thus nothing wrong to call it what it is. Many people in the
SQL community seem to like stuttering, and will call it foo_id or
foo_uid or foo_guid for a foo table, but I myself prefer create table
foo (guid blob primary key [NOT NULL], ...).

It's mostly a matter of opinion and taste, but there are benefits to
using GUIDs as SKs in some circumstances in my book. My $0.02. --DD

PS: For a long time, SQLite depended on that integer PK, whether one
wanted it or not (and I wasn't aware saying PRIMARY KEY for a
non-integer PK did not mean it's standard-required NOT NULL until
reading a recent thread. I wish there was a single opt-in pragma to
disable all non-standard behavior). Now there's WITOUT ROWID tables,
but from reading this list, it seems like it forces you to a B-tree,
instead of a B*-tree  (store rows in leafs only) like ROWID-based
tables, which I believe means more expensive inserts via more B-tree
rebalancing, which is especially bad with large (blob-using) rows,
given SQLite lack of out-of-row blob storage.
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