Hi all

I am looking for some advice on storing and searching data that comes from an 
external JSON source and needs to be stored on device in a Sqlite3 database.

The JSON records are formatted as (simplified):
    "_id" : ObjectId(“xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"),
    "name" : “Description”,
    “array1" : [ “1111”,”2222” ],
    “array2" : [ “4444”,”5555”,”6666” ],
    "tags" : [“searchword1”,”searchword2”,”searchword3"]

On device I need to be able to retrieve the entire “document” and display all 
the array values, but I also need to be able to search the arrays and tags. For 
the array items I will need to be able to search on items just in array1 and 
for other search types on items in array1 or array2

The options i see are to store the array fields as pipe separated values and 
then use LIKE “|<search_term>%|” to search items.

Alternatively, again store the array as pipe separated, but then also have 
other tables with columns id, array_item linked back to the main table. Then 
search using joins. However I can see this getting complicated when it comes to 
the two different search strategies detailed above. Might be mitigated by 
having just one extra table e.g. search_helper with id, parent_array, 
array_item then parent_array could be used to sub-filter.

So wondering is anyone that has done this sort of thing and worked out the best 


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