That sounds NOTHING like a violation error... it seems a lot more like the intermediate thing failed on communicating, but I am not familiar with it (I hope another poster might have advice) - unless it simply does not understand the serialized output. Either way it doesn't feel right to me.

On 2014/05/09 19:52, Drago, William @ MWG - NARDAEAST wrote:
When I deliberately try to insert a duplicate row I get the following error 
from my VEE* environment:

Execution of method ExecuteNonQuery in the referenced .NET object or type 
Exception type: System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException
Type is not resolved for member 'System.Data.SQLiteException, 
System.Data.Sqlite, Version=1.0.92...'

If that sounds like a duplicate row error, I'll trap it and display a message 
to the user.


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