On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 6:43 PM, Mayank Kumar (mayankum) <mayan...@cisco.com
> wrote:

> We have limited flash space and we would like to know what is the
> recommended  allocation for the sqlite db vs sqlite journal file. Should it
> be 50-50 or it doesn't matter. If there is no very less space remaining to
> write the complete journal file, what will happen.
The size of the journal file is a function of the size of your
transactions.  If you never do more than insert a single element into a
single table, then parhaps 10K or 20K of journal space will be sufficient.
If you run VACUUM, you'll need a journal file that is slightly bigger than
your database.  It is possible to construct a massive transaction for which
the journal file is larger than your database, if you work at it.

Also remember that the less free space there is in your flash device, the
faster it will wear out.  That has nothing to do with SQLite, of course -
it is merely a characteristic of NAND flash.

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