I would be eternally grateful if someone would help me with this issue.  This 
is something that I’ve been banging my head against for a while now.  In my 
current project, we need to support .Net 3.5.1.  This obviously means I cannot 
use SQLite EF6 support, but LINQ is still supposed to be supported.  But, try 
as I may, I cannot get linq to actually use the linq-to-sql module.  Some 
queries execute correctly, but the system is still using the SQLServer 2008 
linq-to-sql implementation that is the default for .Net 3.5.1

If I switch to .Net 4.5, everything works correctly, but with .Net 3.5 some 
stuff just doesn’t work.

Here is my connection code.  Nothing very complicated:

System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection connection = new 
System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(“Data Source=AgentData.s3db”);
DataContext context = new DataContext(connection);               

And when I execute a linq command like this everything works fine and the 
SQLite DB is queried correctly:

var propertiesTable = context.GetTable<Property>();
var PropertiesSet = from a in propertiesTable
where a. Name == propertyName
orderby a.Name
select a;
foreach (var property in PropertiesSet)

However, when I execute certain code things just don’t work and throw 
exceptions.  Especially when dealing with auto number columns.

I managed to figure out by dumping the linq log that the reason is that the 
SQLite Linq-to-SQL code is just not getting invoked.  Here is the log output:
TRACE LINQ-SQL: SELECT [t0].[PropertyId], [t0].[Name], [t0].[Value]
FROM [Properties] AS [t0]
WHERE [t0].[Name] = @p0
ORDER BY [t0].[Name]
TRACE LINQ-SQL: -- @p0: Input String (Size = 0; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) 
TRACE LINQ-SQL: -- Context: SqlProvider(Sql2008) Model: AttributedMetaModel 
Build: 3.5.30729.6404

Notice the "SqlProvider(Sql2008)” I believe this means that the linq-to-sql 
module that is getting invoked is the sqlserver 2008 translator, not the sqlite 
translator.  The code that generated this particular output (above) actually 
works fine because that particular SQL statement will run correctly in SQLite.  
But for other things, the SQL code generated by the translator is not SQLite 
compatible (for example if it uses the TOP keyword or a whole slew of other 

I know I have everything installed correctly because I am actually getting 
updates to my SQLite DB file.  But the app just throws exceptions wherever the 
SQL that gets  generated isn’t SQLite compatible.

Any idea how to force the Connection to use the correct Linq-to-SQL 
implementation?  Is there some configuration that I am missing that makes this 

Thanks for any help anyone can lend!
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