
Context: Python 2.7.6, Windows XP, SQLite v3.8.5

The test program:

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('ORDERS.db')
c = conn.cursor()

query = "with CTE1(ID,Name,City)"\
        + " as (select CustID,Name from CUSTOMER where City = 'London')"\
        + " select * from CTE1"


print c.description

Description of the bug:
- if the result set is not empty, c.description returns the list of column 
names, as expected.
- if the result set is empty, c.description returns None.

Not critical but annoying!

Anyway, warm congratulation for the implementation of "with"!

Jean-Luc Hainaut

Prof. Jean-Luc Hainaut
Faculté d'Informatique
University of Namur
Rue Grandgagnage, 21        
B-5000 - Namur (Belgium)   
Phone (direct) : +32 (81) 72 49 96
Phone (secret.): +32 (81) 72 49 64
Fax            : +32 (81) 72 49 67
E-mail : jlhain...@info.fundp.ac.be

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