Hi all,

For testing purposes of our application (a Mac app), I am generating what I 
thought would be a database with a “hot” journal using this approach (on an 
existing database):

- open the database (and PRAGMA journal_mode = TRUNCATE;)
- open a transaction: BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION;
- add some rows: INSERT etc…
- **make a copy of the db and journal files** (while still hot?)
- close the transaction

Then I open the copied database+journal (naming the files appropriately), again 
in TRUNCATE journal mode. As expected, the content of the database does not 
include the inserted rows. However, the journal file is not emptied, even after 
closing the database. Based on the documentation 
(http://www.sqlite.org/lockingv3.html#hot_journals), I would have expected the 
journal file to be emptied because it is “hot”.

There are 2 options here:

- the journal file is actually not “hot” and I misunderstood the conditions 
that make it hot
- there is a bug in SQLite

Obviously, I strongly suspect I am misunderstanding things, and don’t think it 
is an SQLite bug. Despite intensive Google-ing and more testing, I am not sure 
what makes the journal non-hot.

Thanks for your help!


NB: You might be wondering why I am doing the above. I realize SQLite has 
already much more advanced tests for “hot” db+journals (running custom versions 
of filesystems to generate all kind of edge cases). The test case I am 
generating is just for a simple edge case of our Dropbox-based syncing (see: 
https://github.com/cparnot/PARStore and 
http://mjtsai.com/blog/2014/05/21/findings-1-0-and-parstore/). For a given 
database file, there is only one device that can write to it, all other devices 
being read-only (not in terms of filesystem, but sqlite-wise). But it is 
possible that Dropbox will copy a database and journal files that are not 
consistent with each other, which can create problems. For instance, maybe a 
read-only device could try to open the (still old) database with a new 
non-empty journal file and sqlite would empty that journal file, then Dropbox 
could in turn empty the journal file before the writer client had finished the 
transaction. I am not (yet) going to test for and try to protect against more 
complicated (and rarer) edge cases where the database is in the middle of 
writing a transaction (which I suspect will only happen in case of crashes, not 
because of Dropbox, in which case the recovery of the database by the read-only 
client would actually be beneficial).

Charles Parnot
twitter: @cparnot

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