"RSmith" wrote...

On 2014/09/16 15:32, Paul Sanderson wrote:
select _rowid_, * from tab3 does the trick - thanks all

Indeed, and if you are pedantic or do not work in a table with rowids, the solution is to explicitly give the table definition then fill it, some variation on this:

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tab3 (rowNo INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT, country TEXT); INSERT INTO tab3 (name, country) SELECT N.name, C.country FROM tab1 N, tab2 C;

tab 3 should now look like this (according to your sample tables):
rowNo|   name   |   country
    1     |  paul       | uk
    2     |  paul       | scotland
    3     |  helen     | uk
    4     |  helen     | scotland
    5     |  melanie | uk
    6     |  melanie | scotland

In-case you are not familiar with it - That insert omits the rowNo and can be thought of as a variation of this query which achieves the same: INSERT INTO tab3 (rowNo, name, country) SELECT NULL, N.name, C.country FROM tab1 N, tab2 C;

Hope that widens your SQL arsenal another micron, Cheers!


I don't know if it helped Paul at all, but it did widen my SQL arsenal a good 7-8 microns. Thanks.

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