they can be implemented through registered extensions..(well no probably
not how you're thinking)..

I have a few functions to mimic MySQL functions like now(), curdate() ....
pretty simple
learned you can sqlite3_create_module()  which is a virtual recordset...
but apparently can't add syntax like 'EXEC"  ... but could make them be
like "select * from (stored_proc)" as an alias for "exec (stored proc)"
 but it wouldn't be SQL defining the procedure.... well it could be, but it
would be a C routine that then issued the sql statements (maybe make
loadable modules like shaders?)

For lack of portability I haven't used them; what's a good use case for
stored procedures?

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 10:12 AM, RSmith <> wrote:

> On 2014/10/09 19:04, Omprakash Kolluri wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am new to SQLite. I am working on an app that I am developing and plan
>> to
>> use SQLite as an embedded database. My Question - Does SQLite support
>> stored procedures similar to those in MS SQL Server etc. Any suggestions
>> OR
>> pointers to information links woill be greatly appreciated. Thank you
> Hi Om,
> Not directly since it is at the API level very integrated and integratable
> with any C or other common compiler languages, so doing anything procedural
> is usually an easy task, and as the name implies it is "Lite" which means
> some higher-CPU-Cycle-and-Memory-consumption additions are foregone
> specifically so it could work well on embedded systems, as you seem to be
> implementing.
> A good read in this regard would be here:
> Check out the recent CTE additions which does allow a level of procedural
> querying here:
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