"James K. Lowden" <jklow...@schemamania.org> writes:

> and -o grpid changes the directory's *gid* effect, not setgid.  Are you
> sure that the directory is setgid?  
> $ ls -ld steinar
> drwxrwxr-x  2 jklowden  wheel  512 Oct 28 09:54 steinar
> $ chmod 2775 steinar
> $ ls -ld steinar
> drwxrwsr-x  2 jklowden  wheel  512 Oct 28 09:55 steinar
>              ^--- note "s" in permission bit

Aah.  Thanks for pointing this out.  The directory was drwsrwxr-x.  I
changed it to drwxrwsr-x and it works as expected without grpid.

> You may be more used to traditional BSD behavior, which -o grpid
> restores.  

No, I must have mixed up 4775 and 2775.  I'm unable to set g+s/2775 as
user (even though I own the directory), it only works as root, so
perhaps I did 4775 when 2775 didn't do anything (while I've been on
Linux for more than 20 years, I rarely touch these flags so I usually
don't remember which bit is which).  It took a while after I set the
permissions before I discovered that it didn't work, and I've assumed
that the flags were right.

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