On 2014/11/08 14:21, Clemens Ladisch wrote:

the following query fails to parse, although it should be valid:

   sqlite> select 1 union select 1 from (select 1 as x) group by x order by 1 
collate binary;
   Error: no such column: x
Will call the above  Version A.

I don't see how that can ever be valid - the "as x" pertains to a sub-query not referenced by that column in the higher query and without any alias to the derived table which makes for serious lack of inferred referencing. It doesn't parse in MSSQL and doesn't parse in MySQL either with errors that pertain to aliasing the derived table (as expected) [1]. I believe a valid way to put that would be:

Version B:  select 1 union select 1 from (select 1 as x) as t group by x order 
by 1 collate binary;
since that added "as t" now qualifies the derived table removing the ambiguity 
and make x referencable (if there is such a word) outside in the precise higher query 
that is trying to do the grouping.

or perhaps something like:

Version C:   select 1 union select 1 from (select 1 as x group by x) as t order 
by 1 collate binary;
since the alias and the reference to it is again contained in a single 

Both versions B and C work in all of SQLite, MSSQL and MySQL, as it should. Of course SQL is not defined by "what other Engines do" but I cannot seem to find a reference in the SQL-92 standard that mandates version A either (though, to be fair, I was speed-reading to the seemingly relevant parts and might have missed it).

Not a bug I think.

PS: Did not have a PostGres DB handy to check, but I believe it will behave similarly - would love to know actually, if someone would be so kind...

[1] Have replaced the "collate binary" with appropriate clauses for the other 

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