On 12/8/2014 8:43 PM, Keith Medcalf wrote:
That is not a problem -- and I only fixed the where clause, not the set clause.

The data will be "hot" on the second access, so the overhead of the additional 
access is negligible since CPU usage is negligible (even if it goes through all the 
motions of cold access) compared to I/O usage -- given a large enough page cache in RAM 
(so no I/O is required) to hold the pages involved in the tree traversals, of course.

It's not really about efficiency - it's about verbosity. Imagine that you need to update not one but 10 fields in temp_table from the corresponding row in some_table: now you need to repeat the same condition 11 times. Imagine further that the condition is more complicated, involving joins on several tables. Pretty soon, we are talking one really long and convoluted query.

Yes, there are workarounds (a view; or REPLACE INTO may sometimes be pressed into service). But I, for one, kinda miss UPDATE ... FROM.
Igor Tandetnik

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