Hi Jungle:

I tried you  suggestion by upgrading to version and the following is 
the new benchmark.

Metric     average   run1    run2    run3    run4    run5
count(1)    2.6208  2.480   2.745   2.770   2.628   2.481
doNothing   5.6458  5.039   5.429   5.850   5.948   5.963
do1Malloc  13.6982 13.511  13.954  13.919  13.558  13.549
do1MPrint  33.5408 31.524  33.056  33.476  34.469  35.179
* numbers are in elapsed seconds.
The previous benchmark is:

Metric     average   run1   run2    run3    run4    run5
count(1)    2.4226  2.406  2.446   2.420   2.419   2.422
doNothing   5.1988  5.196  5.214   5.162   5.218   5.204
do1Malloc  10.7040 10.678 10.666  10.755  10.710  10.711
do1MPrint  23.5468 23.727 23.464  23.502  23.558  23.483

With the latest benchmark using version, if looks like it  a touch 
slower.  I may have to run it several more times.  Either way, the mprint() on 
my latest benchmark jumps out as being way slower.  I just want to check-in if 
anyone else out there encounter something similar.  In the larger scheme of 
things where the processing is I/O bound, this is miniscule.  I am interested 
in the embedded tablet space.

My environment is:

Edward Lau@T60p ~/myCprograms

$ gcc --version

gcc.exe (GCC) 4.8.1
$ gcc -shared -O2 -o benchmark.dll benchmark.c

Edward Lau@T60p ~/myCprograms

$ sqlite3

SQLite version 2014-12-09 01:34:36

Enter ".help" for usage hints.

Connected to a transient in-memory database.

Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.


sqlite> .timer on
sqlite> .load benchmark.dll
sqlite> create virtual table bmark using benchmark;

Can anyone out there try the benchmark in their environment?  Here is the 

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "sqlite3ext.h"
SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT1     // Required by SQLite extension header.

#ifndef     traceAPI
 #ifdef     DEBUG
  #define   traceAPI(str)  fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",str);
  #define   traceAPI(str)

static   sqlite_int64   ROWID=0;
#define  MAX_ITERATION  1024*1024*32

// my extended structures.
typedef     struct   myVTable_ {
   sqlite3_vtab            base;
}  myVTable;

typedef     struct   myVCursor_ {
   sqlite3_vtab_cursor     base;
}  myVCursor;

// SQLite3 Interface routines.

int   xConnect( sqlite3 *db ,void *pAux ,int pArgc ,const char * const *pArgv 
,sqlite3_vtab **ppVTable ,char **pzErrMsg )
   traceAPI("In xConnect() ...");
   myVTable  *myVTab;

  *pzErrMsg = NULL;
   myVTab   = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(myVTable) );
  *ppVTable =(sqlite3_vtab *)myVTab;

   return   SQLITE_OK;

int   xDisconnect( sqlite3_vtab *pVTable )
   traceAPI("In xDisconnect() ...");

   myVTable *myTab= (myVTable *)pVTable;

   sqlite3_free( myTab );
   return   SQLITE_OK;

int   xCreate(  sqlite3 *db ,void *pAux ,int pArgc ,const char * const *pArgv 
,sqlite3_vtab **ppVTable ,char **pzErrMsg )
   traceAPI("In xCreate() ...");

   int   rc =  SQLITE_OK;

   rc =  xConnect( db ,pAux ,pArgc ,pArgv ,ppVTable ,pzErrMsg );

   if(SQLITE_OK == rc )
      rc =  sqlite3_declare_vtab(  db ,"CREATE TABLE _tablename( doNothing INT 
,do1SQLiteMalloc INT ,do1SQLiteMPrint TEXT )" );

      if(SQLITE_OK != rc ) *pzErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf("Unable to declare 
virtual table!");
         fprintf(stderr,"The follow are the columns for the virtual table:\n");
         fprintf(stderr,"\tdoNothing INT,\n\tdo1SQLiteMalloc 
INT,\n\tdo1SQLiteMPrint TEXT\n");

   return   rc;

int   xRename(  sqlite3_vtab *pVTable ,const char *pzNewName )
   traceAPI("In xRename() ...");

   return   SQLITE_OK;

int   xDestroy( sqlite3_vtab *pVTable  )
   traceAPI("In xDestroy() ...");

   myVTable *myVTab= (myVTable *)pVTable;

   sqlite3_free( myVTab );

   return   SQLITE_OK;

int   xOpen(    sqlite3_vtab *pVTable ,sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppVTabCur )
   traceAPI("In xOpen() ...");

   myVCursor *myVCur;
   myVCur   = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(myVCursor));
  *ppVTabCur=(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *)myVCur;


   fprintf( stderr ,"xOpen  SQLite3 Memory used:\t%lld\n"   

   return   SQLITE_OK;

int   xClose(   sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVTabCur )
   traceAPI("In xClose() ...");

   myVCursor *myVCur = (myVCursor *)pVTabCur;

   sqlite3_free( myVCur );

   fprintf( stderr ,"xClose SQLite3 Memory used:\t%lld\n"   

   return   SQLITE_OK;

int   xEof(     sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVTabCur )
   return   (ROWID >= MAX_ITERATION);

int   xNext(    sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVTabCur )
   traceAPI("In xNext() ...");


   return   SQLITE_OK;

int   xColumn(  sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVTabCur ,sqlite3_context *pContext ,int 
pColID )
   char  *someHeapMem;

   switch( pColID )
      case -1: sqlite3_result_int64(pContext ,ROWID );
      case  0: sqlite3_result_int64(pContext ,ROWID );
      case  1: sqlite3_result_int64(pContext ,ROWID );
               someHeapMem  = sqlite3_malloc( 128 );  sqlite3_free( someHeapMem 
      case  2: someHeapMem  = sqlite3_mprintf("%031d" ,ROWID );
               sqlite3_result_text( pContext ,someHeapMem ,32 ,sqlite3_free );
      default: sqlite3_result_null( pContext );

   return SQLITE_OK;

int   xRowid(   sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVTabCur ,sqlite_int64 *pRowID )
   *pRowID= ROWID;

   return   SQLITE_OK;

int   xBestIndex( sqlite3_vtab *pVTable ,sqlite3_index_info *pIdxInfo )
   traceAPI("In xBestIndex() ...");

   return   SQLITE_OK;

int   xFilter(  sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVTabCur ,int pIdxNum ,const char *pIdxStr 
,int pArgc ,sqlite3_value **ppArgv )
   traceAPI("In xFilter() ...");

   return   SQLITE_OK;

// End of SQLite3 Interface routines.

// A virtual table module that scan structure text file(s).
static   sqlite3_module myVModule = {
    1             // iVersion
                  // Table instance functions.
   ,xCreate       // xCreate     - Required. Called when a virtual table 
instance is first created with the CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE command.
   ,xConnect      // xConnect    - Required, but frequently the same as 
xCreate(). This is called when a database with an existing virtual table 
instance is loaded. Called once for each table instance.
   ,xBestIndex    // xBestIndex  - Required. Called, sometimes several times, 
when the database engine is preparing an SQL statement that involves a virtual 
   ,xDisconnect   // xDisconnect - Required. Called when a database containing 
a virtual table instance is detached or closed. Called once for each table 
   ,xDestroy      // xDestroy    - Required, but frequently the same as 
xDisconnect(). This is called when a virtual table instance is destroyed with 
the DROP TABLE command.
                  // Cursor functions.
   ,xOpen         // xOpen       - Required. Called to create and initialize a 
table cursor.
   ,xClose        // xClose      - Required. Called to shut down and release a 
table cursor.
   ,xFilter       // xFilter     - Required. Called to initiate a table scan 
and provide information about any specific conditions put on this particular 
table scan.
   ,xNext         // xNext       - Required. Called to advance a table cursor 
to the next row.
   ,xEof          // xEof        - Required. Called to see if a table cursor 
has reached the end of the table or not. This function is always called right 
after a call to xFilter() or xNext().
   ,xColumn       // xColumn     - Required. Called to extract a column value 
for the current row. Normally called multiple times per row.
   ,xRowid        // xRowid      - Required. Called to extract the virtual 
ROWID of the current row.
   ,0             // xUpdate
                  // Transaction control functions.
   ,0             // xBegin
   ,0             // xSync
   ,0             // xCommit
   ,0             // xRollback
   ,0             // xFindFunction
   ,xRename       // xRename     - Required. Called when a virtual table is 
renamed using the ALTER TABLE...RENAME command.
   ,0             // xSavepoint
   ,0             // xRelease
   ,0             // xRollbackTo

// Extension load function entry point.
int   myVirtualTable_init(sqlite3 *db ,char **ppzErrMsg ,const 
sqlite3_api_routines *pApi )
      int    i;
      char  *moduleName = "benchmark";


      return   sqlite3_create_module( db ,moduleName ,&myVModule ,NULL );

// Default entry point which SQLite3 will look for when this module is loaded.
int   sqlite3_extension_init(    sqlite3 *db ,char **ppzErrMsg ,const 
sqlite3_api_routines *pApi )
      return   myVirtualTable_init( db ,ppzErrMsg ,pApi );

The following are my queries that ran many times:

select count(1) from bmark;
select max(doNothing) from bmark;
select max(do1SQLiteMalloc) from bmark;
select max(do1SQLiteMPrint) from bmark;


-----Original Message-----
From: jungle Boogie <jungleboog...@gmail.com>
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>
Sent: Sun, Dec 28, 2014 12:16 pm
Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQLite3 internal performance

Hi Edward,
On 25 December 2014 at 19:33, Edward Lau <elau1...@aim.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks:
> I have read in many posting that SQLite is fast.  How fast is fast?  So over 
this holiday break I tried to take a reading on the VDBE performance to get a 
general idea.  I wrote a quick module to enable me to exercise the engine 
simulating 32M rows without any IOs.  For each iteration I just increment a 
counter and each call to xColumn() I pass the value of the counter back.  
Starting from a baseline, I notice the time increase dramatically depending 
i am doing.  The performance is still fast in terms of elapsed time but if 
measured by percentage degradation; it


> Edward Lau@T60p ~/myCprograms
> $ sqlite3
> SQLite version 2014-04-03 16:53:12

I don't have anything to add but perhaps a suggestion to try a more
recent version of sqlite to see if to makes a difference.

You may think 3.8.4 is not that old but look at this time line to
indicate how many modifications are made to source and site:

And there have been seven releases since


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