On Mon, 5 Jan 2015 06:39:42 +0000
Hick Gunter <h...@scigames.at> wrote:

> This is completely legal and well defined.
> HAVING is applied to the RESULT set of a SELECT.

I beg to differ.  It's both invalid SQL and (therefore) undefined.
Furthermore, it's illogical.  Consider:

        create table T (a int, b int, c int);
        insert into T values (1, 2, 1);

        select count(*), a from T group by a having b > 0;

Surely "select count(*), a from T" produces 1 row, 

        count(*)        a
        --------        -
               1        1

but what does "having b > 0" mean if "HAVING is applied to the RESULT
set of a SELECT"?  There is no B!  

If ad argumentum we say B refers to the B in the table, the question
remains: how to interpret the having clause?  Is it TRUE If 

1.  there exists a row for a given value of A for which B > 0? 
2.  all rows for a given A have B > 0? 

It so happens (per http://sqlfiddle.com/#!5/34e8d/1) that sqlite
accepts the query and uses interpretation #2.  But that is arbitrary:
HAVING is not a FORALL or EXISTS quantifier.  It has a single, clunky
job: to test aggregates.  

Most SQL DBMSs reject the query outright.  As well they should, because
it is nonsensical.  

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