I'm a new sqlite user and new to this mailing list. I hope this question is

I am writing an application that needs to track a timestamp - date + time
down to the seconds. I'd like to store the date/time in a standard,
efficient, usable, portable format.  I have looked over the sqlite
date/time functions / data types and the ISO 8601 standard and have landed
on these two options:

1. Storing it in TEXT format e.g., "YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" or
2. Storing it as an INTEGER (LONG) in Unix Time (AKA: POSIX or Epoch
time) - number of seconds since 01/01/1970

Since sqlite and most RDMS implementations have functions to convert to and
from both options and using a LONG should allow the date/time to function
way past 2038, it seems it comes down to how many bytes it takes to store
the timestamp and how fast are the conversion routines. The application I'm
writing won't push any performance boundaries and likely won't need to
overly worry about storage.  I just want to make the right call on data
type and format and learn something in the process.

Again, I hope this is an appropriate post for this mailing list. If not, I


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