If I may...

On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 4:25 PM, Richard Hipp <drh at sqlite.org> wrote:
> On 4/2/15, Random Coder <random.coder at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'd recommend the SQLite team turn them on for the version of the DLL
>> they distribute, but I'm honestly not sure if there are negative side
>> effects to doing so.
> That's not possible, unfortunately,   We compile the published DLL
> (the 32-bit DLL at least) with MinGW so that they will work on older
> versions of Windows.  If we used a recent MSVC then the resulting DLL
> will not work on WinXP, I am told.

That's not true.
Recent version of MSVC has the option which allows it to build the binary
that will be compatible with the older version of Windows. And this is
for MSVC 2012/13.
MSVC 2010 still able to build WinXP binary just fine.

Unfortunately I don't have the reference at hand. Sorry.

> If the published DLL is not to your liking, it is simple to make your
> own.  I suggest you do so. You can start with the amalgamated source
> code file "sqlite3.c".  All you need is to compile that one file into
> a DLL that the security checker approves of.  How hard can that be?

Or even better - include this file in the project solution and build the binary
as statically linked with all required options.
That's what statical linking means.

> --
> D. Richard Hipp
> drh at sqlite.org
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