Sairam Gaddam wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 1:04 PM, Clemens Ladisch <clemens at> wrote:
>> Sairam Gaddam wrote:
>>> sql="create table em(name text primary key,age text,pts text);"\
>>>     "create table l(name text primary key,fame text);";
>>> sql = "select * from em,l where l.fame=em.age";
>>>    4 Once             0   13    0               00
>>>    5 OpenAutoindex    2    3    0 k(3,nil,nil,nil) 00
>>>    6 Rewind           1   13    0               00
>>>    7 Column           1    1    2               00
>>>    8 Column           1    0    3               00
>>>    9 Rowid            1    4    0               00
>>>   10 MakeRecord       2    3    1               00
>>>   11 IdxInsert        2    1    0               10
>>>   12 Next             1    7    0               03
>>>   13 Column           0    1    5               00
>>>   14 IsNull           5   24    0               00
>>>   15 SeekGE           2   24    5 1             00
>>>   16 IdxGT            2   24    5 1             00
>>>   17 Column           0    0    6               00
>>>   18 Copy             5    7    0               00
>>>   19 Column           0    2    8               00
>>>   20 Column           2    1    9               00
>>>   21 Column           2    0   10               00
>>>   22 ResultRow        6    5    0               00
>>>   23 Next             2   16    0               00
>>>   24 Next             0    4    0               01
>>>   ...
>>> whenever the condition in the where clause is false, the program jumps to
>>> the instruction pointed by p2 of SeekGe
>> Yes.
>>> but if the condition proves to be false for the row 1 of both the
>>> tables, then the program jumps to line 24(in this case) which
>>> corresponds to outer table and takes the second row of outer table
>>> for next iteration, then when will the program fetch 1st row
>>> of table-1 and remaining rows of table-2 ???
>> In the join loop, this VDBE program does not fetch any rows from the
>> second table:
>>   explain query plan select * from em,l where l.fame=em.age;
>>   0|0|0|SCAN TABLE em
>> All accesses to "l" are actually handled by the temporary index (which
>> is created by instructions 5..12).  One index search is enough to
>> determine whether a fame value exists.
> Then why there is a loop (Next opcode at 23rd instruction) over second
> table when it created an index ?

Because there might be multiple index entries with the same fame value.


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