> On Apr 24, 2015, at 2:44 AM, Simon Slavin <slavins at bigfraud.org> wrote:
> On 24 Apr 2015, at 6:59am, Jeff M <jmat at mac.com> wrote:
>> I don't need to map SQLite to iCloud -- I only need to map SQLite to Core 
>> Data.  Core Data then takes care of the iCloud issues.
> I imagine you'd do that by writing a VFS which used Core Data for storage.  
> Core Data could store your data in any of the formats it has drivers for, 
> including plaintext files and SQLite.  And Core Data could store your data in 
> any medium it has drivers for, including local storage and iCloud.
> The result might be slow and inefficient, since you're building a DBMS 
> (SQLite) on top of a DBMS (Core Data) on top of a DBMS (SQLite).
> If you use Core Data the resulting file wouldn't look like a normal SQLite 
> database.  Core Data stores objects.  It doesn't store the rows and columns 
> you refer to with SQL commands.  Maybe your objects would be table rows.
> Simon.

Originally, I wanted to map my tables, rows, and columns to similarly-named 
Core Data entities and attributes so I could continue to use the SQL language.  
I was hoping to hook into the SQL parser to get the benefits of where.c, but I 
realize now that's impractical.

Your suggestion of working at the file system level is interesting, but my 
objects would be disk blocks.  I could use a simple Core Data model: one entity 
(representing the entire database file) and create one object per block (each 
having a binary attribute containing one block of data).  It would be easy to 
map each file system read() and write() to the corresponding objects.  Using 
Core Data as a memory array would earn me the Kludge of The Year Award.  But, I 
see data corruption in my future.

Can you point me to some sample source code (outside of SQLite itself) that 
implements sqlite3_vfs_register()?


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