On Sat, 15 Aug 2015 01:17:28 +0100
Simon Slavin <slavins at bigfraud.org> wrote:

> > BTW, Posix is almost silent on the question.  It says TMPDIR will
> > define the location of a temporary store, but not how. 
> I'm okay if the documentation simply says something like ...
> For Darwin (Mac), it's always /tmp/
> For Linux, see the TMPDIR environment variable
> For Windows see [whatever it is]

Agreed, although IIUC it could be simpler than that, see next.  

> However I suspect things may be more complicated than that.  For
> instance, does .NET respect the OS's choice of temporary directory no
> matter which OS it's running under ?  I have no idea.

What I'm suggesting is that there is no "OS's choice", really.  

There are a few functions in the C standard library, e.g. tmpfile(3),
that may consult the environment.  The variable's name varies by
implementation.  Some implementations, notably GNU's (if the
documentation is correct), do not consult the environment.  

I would guess .NET is written atop the Win32 API and uses
GetTempFileName or somesuch.  That uses GetTempPath, whose return value
is affected by TMP and TEMP.

GetTempPath and tmpnam(3) on Windows both honor TMP, but the fallback
policies differ.  So it's not really a question of what the OS's choice
is, because the *OS* offers no "temporary file" function.  It's really a
question of which library function is called, and how that function is

But none of that matters unless those functions are used.  An
application -- or library, as in SQLite's case -- need not use them,
which in any case aren't all that helpful.  AIUI SQLite does *not* use
those functions, but rather has its own way to determine where temporary
files go.  In that case the rule could be quite simple and
OS-independent.  For instance, 

        1.  Use "SQLITE_TMPDIR" if defined 
        2.  Use current working directory otherwise

where the value is set by sqlite3_initialize and cannot be changed


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