Sheesh, how did I miss that. Guess I need new glasses. Thats 
exactly what I was looking for.

Scott Doctor
scott at

On 8/24/2015 9:39 AM, Jean-Christophe Deschamps wrote:
>> I have some queries that may take 5-15 seconds to complete. 
>> Sometimes the situation changes shortly after starting the 
>> query where my program does not need those results anymore 
>> and the program wants to abort and begin a different query 
>> instead.
>> My question is: What is the proper way to abort a query, or 
>> other operation during execution that will not cause any 
>> issues? By issues I mean files not being closed, or memory 
>> not being free'd and such because the operation was aborted 
>> and did not have finish normall, but I can continue normally 
>> after the abort..
> Maybe
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