I build a fairly large DB, with major tables having 800k..5M rows, with 
several relationships between tables.

At ~30% into the insertion process it slows down rapidly. Records 
#171k..172k are still fast, and records #172k...173k are already ~10 
times slower. (all records are more or less similar)

During Insertion process, selects are also performed to obtain keys to 
insert into other tables.

I followed every advise I could find:
* Database is written into memory
* Whole insertion happens in one transaction in one giant BEGIN 
* Foreign keys are deferred: PRAGMA defer_foreign_keys=ON;
* Journal is disabled: PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF;
* Synchronous mode is disabled: PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;

Plan for each "select" statement shows that it uses an index or primary 
key. Every insert statement is a simple insert "insert into xxx(x,x,x) 
values(?,?,?)" Selects are also all simple one-table selects. All 
statements used in prepared form.

How can I understand why the slowdown occurs? Especially, why the 
slowdown in so "sharp"?

Something drastic happens, like some strategy is recomputed, some index 
is rebuilt, etc...

Thank you,

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