Yahoo! Mail wrote:
> sqlite> drop table if exists t1; create table t1(a datetime); begin; with 
> recursive c(x) as (values(1) union all select x + 1 from c where x < 
> 1000000000) insert into t1(a) select datetime('now') from c; commit;
> It would take ages to finish and that is logical; it's a billion rows
> it has to insert, even though I have used begin - commit.
> Now the rather strange behavior would be when I use the up arrow key
> to reuse the previous code but replacing *1000000000* with *10*. It
> takes the same time to finish as before and that is not right; I'm
> dropping the table and it should take nearly 0 milliseconds for
> 10 rows.

The DROP TABLE is slow, but it should not be the same time:

sqlite> .timer on
sqlite> create ...; begin; with ... 20000000) insert ...; commit;
Run Time: real 34.315 user 34.242219 sys 0.046800
sqlite> drop table if exists t1;
Run Time: real 0.578 user 0.577204 sys 0.000000
sqlite> create ...; begin; with ... 10) insert ...; commit;
Run Time: real 0.000 user 0.000000 sys 0.000000


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