I have the following tables:
CREATE TABLE "projects" (
    "projectID"     TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
    "groupID"       TEXT,
    "isPersonal"    INTEGER NOT NULL CHECK(ispersonal in (0, 1)),
    "name"          TEXT,
    "description"   TEXT,
    "outcome"       TEXT
CREATE INDEX projects_groupID_idx
ON projects(groupID);

CREATE TABLE "subprojects" (
    "subprojectID"  TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
    "projectID"     TEXT,
    "parentID"      TEXT,
    "name"          TEXT,
    "description"   TEXT,
    "outcome"       TEXT
CREATE INDEX subprojects_projectID_idx
ON projects(projectID);
CREATE INDEX subprojects_parentID_idx
ON subprojects(parentID);

?The idea is that a project can have several subprojects. And a subproject
can also have several subprojects. Is there a way to use a SQL statement to
verify that the data is not corrupt? (Everything should be a tree.)

Also is there a SQL command to verify the debt is not more as for example

Cecil Westerhof

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