Congrads on getting something to work with sqlite and z/OS. ?How did you 
resolve the file I/O issues, or did you have any. ?I figured sqlite should be 
able to run on z/OS a few years back due to the portable nature of the code I 
saw. ? But the?mainframe guys who supposedly knew, told things like 
_lseek() not present on a mainframe, then started talkingabout mainframe stuff 
I didn't follow, being from the windows world. ?
So what is the state of sqlite on z/OS and how close is to drop in and compile 
with a c compiler and run? ?? 

    On Wednesday, December 30, 2015 11:32 AM, John McKown <john.archie.mckown 
at> wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 9:55 AM, Roland Martin <rolandsmartin at>

> I have tested the code change on z/OS and it works.

?Any chance that I could beg the source and executable code from you?

> Thanks for the quick turnaround!
> Roland Martin
Computer Science is the only discipline in which we view adding a new wing
to a building as being maintenance -- Jim Horning

Schrodinger's backup: The condition of any backup is unknown until a
restore is attempted.

Yoda of Borg, we are. Futile, resistance is, yes. Assimilated, you will be.

He's about as useful as a wax frying pan.

10 to the 12th power microphones = 1 Megaphone

Maranatha! <><
John McKown
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