Funny enough, apparently we all get \n in Windows now :-)

( and yes, \r\n in Linux, isn't this hilarious )

Somebody filed a bug about this and I've actually/eventually/finally
patched my code doing lazy evaluation of whatever comes after a 'SELECT 1'
in CSV mode so that I should be sure enough that's the end of the line I am
looking for.

Not sure this will affect more Windows users/programs though

There was a but about buffered / non-buffered flush per each query in order
to normalize behaviour in Linux, Mac, and Windows, maybe that forced flush
went it and now things are different for Widnows only ?

Not sure that's even related but thanks for double checking.

Best Regards

On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Richard Hipp <drh at> wrote:

> On 2/25/15, Andrea Giammarchi <andrea.giammarchi at> wrote:
> > Dear All,
> >   it looks like we are back in town with '\n' at the end of a line **even
> > in CSV** mode.
> >
> > Can anyone please confirm me (ccing me since apparently I'm not part of
> > this ML) that SQLite no longer forces RFC4180 \r\n ?
> >
> I get \r\n in CSV output from the command-line shell in SQLite 3.8.8.x
> when I try it on Linux.
> --
> D. Richard Hipp
> drh at

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