On 6/4/15, Darko Volaric <lists at darko.org> wrote:
> What is motivating this for me is that I generate many unique queries in my
> code for almost any operation. Converting those to SQL is error prone and
> uses a lot of memory compared to the operation involved. The database
> engine is so fast and efficient yet I'm wasting resources making SQL!

You are welcomed to go off and try to come up with a new and better
interface.  That's the beauty of open-source.  Maybe you will come up
with some new and innovative ideas that will change the industry!
It's happened before!

I just want to ensure that if, after working on your new approach for
a while, you eventually decide that SQL isn't quite as bad a language
as you originally thought it was, that you don't come back and say I
didn't warn you.

D. Richard Hipp
drh at sqlite.org

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