For various reasons I've ended up as the SQLite rep w/in Chromium, and
I bookmarked that page awhile back to periodically revisit.  People
often seem to believe that SQLite magically solves tons of problems
with their persistence layer, without realizing that many of their
assumptions are based on things like having a DBA to take care of
things behind the scenes, or having a distinct database server process
probably running on pretty beefy hardware.

Also, to be honest, I find that developers often don't really _think_
about what they're doing.  SQLite essentially gives you a set of
b-trees with syntactic sugar over them, so if you cannot adequately
describe how your schema works in terms of raw b-trees, then SQLite
isn't going to be able to magically make things awesome behind your
back.  They also don't think about the evolution of their schema over
time.  So you see developers copy/paste some other code and make it
worse, and then never float things by an expert to see if they are
making poor decisions, and three years later someone has to
disentangle the horror.

Also, heaven defend me from people writing ad-hoc array-based query
systems that automatically generate bad SQL.  My experience with ORM
systems over the years has convinced me that if you spin up an entire
dedicated team to work really hard on that problem alone for years, it
will still be quite unsatisfying in the end.  One developer making a
bunch of stuff up and then abandoning it is just a recipe for later

There are many places where I think developers would have been better
served with a shared nosql-type store (like leveldb) mapping keys to
something a decent serialization system (like protocol buffers), and
which would have some well-defined and automated procedures for
handling things like transaction scheduling and recovery from
filesystem corruption and other errors.  It wouldn't be as good as
SQLite can be, but it wouldn't be as bad as the way many people use
SQLite in practice.

[To be fair to SQLite, much of my position on this isn't much
different than my position on MySQL in a past position.  SQL is a
challenge for many developers.]


On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 6:08 AM, Jean Chevalier <jchevalier at> wrote:
> Somewhat contradictory the Mozilla Foundation being a member of the SQLite 
> Consortium while their performance wiki prominently features a warning to 
> developers against using SQLite allegedly for performance reasons. Guard me 
> from my friends...
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