On 2015-03-01 11:22 AM, Olivier Vidal wrote:
> ok, thank you Simon and Keith!
> other people have experience with multiple applications/one sqlite 
> database?
> looking at this list <https://www.sqlite.org/howtocorrupt.html>, I 
> wonder if there is an operating system to favour with Sqlite. I saw 
> that there could be problems with older versions of Windows or Linux. 
> But take the example of a web server, with as the latest version of 
> Windows Server 2012 or the latest version of Ubuntu. What would be the 
> most reliable operating system for Sqlite(last version)?

Almost everyone on this list has some multi-access DB systems running at 
their respective places of work - they don't all speak up because it's 
kind of the standard thing, but if you pose a question about a specific 
problem, you will find lots and lots of people here have already 
experienced the thing you are struggling with. SQLite works exceedingly 
well as a multi-application database, so long as it is not a networked 
solution (as others have mentioned).

SQLite is not at all a consideration factor when choosing the operating 
system - it works as advertised on all of them. Picking an operating 
system some basic guidelines (though not absolute deciders) might be:
   - If it will be a very user-centric system or needs to be aesthetic 
for some reason (like marketing pods), consider Mac OSX,
   - If it needs to do lots of other things too and have non-technical 
users, maybe Windows will suit best,
   - If it's more of a server-type setup or needs a lot of autonomy 
and/or mainly admin personnel accessing it, Linux might be best,
   - If it needs to run on phones or devices, obviously whatever OSes 
the target market requires.

Another argument may go: Pick whatever OS you have the most experience 
on and suits your financial model - there is nothing precluding Windows 
from being a service machine or precluding Linux from doing a pretty 
interface, etc. and SQLite works well on them all.

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