
I use SQLite to drive a racing database since 2012 coded in VB.net. In that 
time I have always used the sqlite-netFx40-binary-bundle-Win32-2010-x.x.xx.x 
zip and then used the System.Data.SQLite.dll. I have used this process from 
version to (Im not sure if there is anything inherently 
incorrect with using that DLL so I am mentioning it)

I downloaded the System.Data.SQLite ( yesterday. Upon implementation 
of this DLL my program fails, with error ?Table doesn't have a Primary Key? 
when I try finding a row on the table. (using this code Dim Findrow as datarow 
= Inforows.Rows.Find(?Sample1?)

When I revert to there is no issue and the program works as expected 
and as it has been these last 3 years using the different versions outlined 
above. Nothing else is changed other then the program reference of the 
different version of the DLL. I can go back and forth; from 94 up to 95 fails 
with the error. Going Back down, from 95 to 94 is OK. The table does have a 
Primary Key. The data IS being filled into the table and has correct schema 

My intent is to be able to add temporary columns to a Data Table ( a blank 
Alias column) within the program without changing the actual Database structure.

Below is the code used to fill the data table.

Dim TodaysHorses as New DataTable

Using oMainQueryR As New SQLite.SQLiteCommand
               oMainQueryR.CommandText = ?SELECT HorseID, RaceID, Null as 
'ISP', Comments FROM InfoRows WHERE RDate BETWEEN DATE(:StartDate) AND 
DATE(:EndDate) ORDER BY DATETIME([Jump]) Asc, RaceID, TABno?

               Using connection As New 
                   Using oDataSQL As New SQLite.SQLiteDataAdapter
                       oMainQueryR.Connection = connection
                       oDataSQL.SelectCommand = oMainQueryR
                       oDataSQL.FillSchema(TodaysHorses, SchemaType.Source)
                   End Using
               End Using
   End Using

Here is the code that casts the error

Dim Findrow as datarow = Inforows.Rows.Find(?Sample1?)

The actual SQL Query created by the above code is

SELECT HorseID, RaceID, Null as 'ISP', Comments FROM InfoRows WHERE RDate 
RaceID, TABno

The program fails even with this SQL query
SELECT HorseID, RaceID, Null as 'ISP', Comments FROM InfoRows 

If the code is changed to use the following SQL Query the program works OK with 
both versions of the dll.

SELECT HorseID, RaceID, Comments FROM InfoRows 

The issue is in the Query itself, where the use of  Null AS ?Alias_Name? 
delivers a table without the Primary Key being designated. As I said before the 
data is filled correctly even into the Primary Key column. When the Alias 
column is removed the program works as normal. If the alias column is created 
using an existing column that also works OK.
Example : Select HorseID, RaceID, Comments AS ?NewCol?, Comments . This SQL 
string works.

Kind Regards


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