Hi SQLite users;

I have a question about _sqliteZone_ in mem1.c.  I notice that the
address of this static variable is used in a call to
OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier on MacOS and iOS.  That system call
is declared in OSAtomic.h, which includes a note about the pointer
alignment of its arguments:

> * WARNING: all addresses passed to these functions must be "naturally 
> aligned",
> * i.e.  * <code>int32_t</code> pointers must be 32-bit aligned (low 2 bits of
> * address are zeroes), and <code>int64_t</code> pointers must be 64-bit 
> aligned
> * (low 3 bits of address are zeroes.)

I wonder, therefore, if it might be prudent to declare _sqliteZone_
with the alignment attribute, so that the compiler is sure to put it
at a 32 / 64 bit aligned address space? e .g.

static __attribute__((aligned(8))) malloc_zone_t* _sqliteZone_;

and also, because this local variable is used in that same function:

__attribute__((aligned(8))) malloc_zone_t* newzone =
malloc_create_zone(4096, 0);

I see that attribute is used one other place, so this may be an
important nuance.  On a 32-bit architecture, it would be safe to use
aligned(4) instead of aligned(8) but I'm not sure anyone will care
about the (possible) 4-byte savings.

 - Andy

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