Hi, Dinu,

I'll have to leave it to those more knowledgeable to respond to other
aspects of your question, but I was struck by the following.

1) Regarding columns such as "provider TEXT(2000000000)"

Do you really mean that values in such columns might need to contain up to
two giga-characters (2 * 10**9)?   Sqlite will simply interpret this as
"TEXT" plain and simple -- but if your actual data contains
monstrously-long values, AND these are part of primary keys, then I can
imagine this would disastrously affect performance.

2) Complexity.

I understand you said could not achieve good performance with
straightforward joins.   I wondered if it might be helpful to post your
cleanest, simplest JOIN-based SELECT (and indexes and query plan) that you
thought should have good performance, yet does not.

3) Analyze.   You've likely already run the ANALYZE command, right?  (A
one-time run of VACUUM wouldn't hurt either, I suppose.)

4) Regarding: "CREATE INDEX sqlite_autoindex_materializedInstances_1 ON
materializedInstances (provider,instanceId);

Am I right that since (provider,instanceId) is already PRIMARY KEY, then
this index is redundant? (Even so, I would only expect it to take up disk
space and slow down inserts/deletes, but not slow down SELECTs.)


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