On 2015-03-10 10:44 PM, Mayank Kumar (mayankum) wrote:
> Thanks Richard, but we call rollback only when my earlier sqlite3_step has 
> failed for some reason. Can it still undo some inserts/updates/deletes from a 
> previously executed but not yet commited tx ?
> Does completion of sqlite3_step with success , means a transaction was 
> successfully commited ?
> Are there other scenarios where , even though I am calling rollback when 
> sqlite3_step returns failed, it can undo previous txs.

Hi Mayan,

A transaction has a precise start and an end. It is started explicitly 
with "BEGIN" or "BEGIN TRANSACTION" followed by the optional "IMMEDIATE" 
etc. Once it has started, any and all following SQL statements belong to 
the transaction right up to the point it ends by issuing either "END 
TRANSACTION" or "COMMIT" (which is just another way of saying END 
TRANSACTION) or indeed you roll it back with "ROLLBACK".

I hope this clarifies your question - but to answer precisely: ANY and 
ALL previously executed but uncommitted statements that occurred after 
the last BEGIN TRANSACTION /will/ be rolled back when you issue a 
"ROLLBACK" and will otherwise only ever be committed once you issue 

This is the entire point of having a transactional system.

This means also that: If you've never issued a "BEGIN TRANSACTION", then 
any call to END TRANSACTION or ROLLBACK will fail but be otherwise 
harmless and have no effect. Beware that many wrappers start 
transactions automatically for you, which can cause unexpected results.

Also see:

Note: There are other ways of committing clustered sections of 
transactions using the SAVEPOINT / RELEASE SAVEPOINT mechanic.

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