You should be also aware of a more common pitfall: unclosed result sets.
Any lock is held until you read PAST the last row or you call stmt_finalize
(or the equivalent abstraction in your DBAL). Always close select
On Mar 12, 2015 11:40 AM, "R.Smith" <rsmith at> wrote:

> On 2015-03-12 04:38 AM, Barry wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I have a situation where two processes are accessing the same SQLite
>> database. One process only reads from the database, one process reads and
>> writes.
>> These processes keep a single database connection open for the lifetime of
>> the process.
>> It seems to me that once the reader process accesses the database (after
>> it
>> performs its first SELECT statement), it maintains a lock on the database
>> until the connection is closed (when the program is exited). This prevents
>> the writer process from updating the database.
> Hi Barry,
> This is the usual situation when one of your transactions in the "reading
> only" database does not finalize. i.e. you started a transaction there and
> did not end it with either "END TRANSACTION" or "COMMIT" or "ROLLBACK".
> In the non-WAL DB it will simply hold the lock preventing changes. In the
> WAL DB it will hold the lock for its own view of the data but let the other
> writer write.. however it won't see the changes for itself.
> This is very common actually. Just find every transaction you start
> (explicitly or implicitly) and make sure you end it and when you end it,
> see what the return value is from SQLite and whether it reports any error.
> HTH!
> Ryan
>> I tried changing to WAL. This made the writer process able to commit its
>> changes, but now the reader does not see any modifications made to the
>> database until it is restarted (It seems to see a snapshot of the DB at
>> the
>> time of its first read).
>> I am using prepared statements: On opening the DB, I create all my
>> prepared
>> statements. When I need to execute a statement, I bind to the statement,
>> call sqlite3_step (possibly multiple times), then call sqlite3_reset. I do
>> not finalise the statements until the program closes.
>> In order to simulate 'save' behaviour, the writer process always holds a
>> transaction open. When the user chooses 'save', the current transaction is
>> committed and a new transaction is begun. (I understand that the reader
>> will not see any changes in the uncommitted transaction, but is not seeing
>> any committed transactions either).
>> I have checked quite thoroughly through my code and cannot find any
>> instances of statements executed without a sqlite3_reset quickly
>> following.
>> Is this intended behaviour - that once a connection has performed a read,
>> it maintains its lock on the database for its lifetime? Is SQLite smart
>> enough to know that the pages it holds in cache of the reader are invalid
>> after the writer has made changes to the DB on disk?
>> If this is not the intended behaviour - is there a way I can find out
>> which
>> statements are causing the lock to be held open? Or can I force SQLite to
>> discard its cache?
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> Regards,
>> Barry Smith
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