>   On 19 Mar 2015, at 3:19pm, Paul  wrote:
> > This may cause very nasty hard-to-find bugs, since SQLite allows to store 
> > any content inside BLOB field:
> > 
> > sqlite> create table foo(a int, b int, primary key(a, b));
> > sqlite> insert into foo(a, b) VALUES(1, ''), (1, x'');
> > sqlite> select *, length(b) from foo;
> True, but the content which is stored is not of BLOB type unless you stored a 
> BLOB.  Do
> select *, typeof(b), length(b) from foo;
> and you'll find that you get out what you put in.

Yeah, that's true. But still, this can cause nasty bugs.
It feels unnatural, because there is implicit conversion from string to int:

sqlite> select * from foo where a = '1';
a           b         
----------  ----------
sqlite> select * from foo where a = '1.0';
a           b         
----------  ----------
sqlite> select * from foo where a = 1.000000000000000001;
a           b         
----------  ----------

yet not to BLOB.

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