On 5/20/15, REGIANY Lucie <lregiany at regionpaca.fr> wrote:
> J ai cr?? une table
> CREATE TABLE table 1 (idsas (5) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL);

I don't see how that would work.  Sqlite complains about syntax error
for that.  If "table 1" is meant to be the name of the table, you have
to double quote it, because it contains a space.  Similarly, if "idsas
(5)" is the name of the column, you have to double quote it; or if
"(5)" is somehow part of the column type, then quote that part alone
or add a word before it.

For example, with the column called "idsas", this statement could work:

    CREATE TABLE "table 1" (idsas BLOB(5) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL);

or with the column called "idsas (5)", this statement could work:

    CREATE TABLE "table 1" ("idsas (5)" PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL);

-- Ambrus

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