On 2015-11-18 12:50 AM, Yuri wrote:
> On 11/18/2015 00:45, Dominique Devienne wrote:
>> True. But that's in the case where FK constraints validation is deferred to
>> the transaction end.
> Why does SQLite defer constraint violation errors? Is there a benefit?
> This only complicates things, I would rather see the statement fail 
> immediately.

Deferred constraints are definitely a benefit.

They allow you to express constraints otherwise not possible, for example that 
record may exist in table X if and only if a counterpart exists in table Y, 
as balancing records in a double-entry accounting system.  Granted all you 
really need for this is the ability to change multiple tables as a single 
operation, but failing that ability, deferred constraints are the way SQL 
provides to do it.

Also, having to enter records in a specific order, eg parent/child, is a 
contrivance given you're dealing with what should be a set-oriented database, 
and a contrivance that can make using the database more difficult.  Ideally you 
just insert all the records in a change set at once, and only the total effect 
of the change set is what is important for enforcing constraints.  SQL 
constraints break this ease of use.

-- Darren Duncan

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