On 2015-10-08 11:47 PM, K. P. wrote:
> Am using SQLiteStudio - which I really like - though I have wondered if it 
> passes all its knowledge around errors onto the user...

I hope it does. Try some other ones too, just to get a wider idea. 
Perhaps http://www.sqlc.rifin.co.za/ or http://www.sqliteexpert.com/ if 
on Windows, or https://github.com/sqlitebrowser/sqlitebrowser if on 
Linux/Mac.  If any of them do things that seem odd, and you are 
comfortable using command line tools, the sqlite3 CLI is best for 
checking/testing SQL at http://www.sqlite.org/download.html

As to your distinct question, sure, use like this:

SELECT group_concat(DISTINCT fullName) FROM sometable WHERE 1;

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