On 28 Oct 2015, at 10:34pm, SQLite mailing list <sqlite-users at 
mailinglists.sqlite.org> wrote:

> This explains the deficiency in the SQLite print function, but it doesn't
> have to be that way.

I'm with a previous poster.  SQLite is primarily a database system.  Its 
primary jobs are storage and retrieval.  It shouldn't really be used to print 
at all and putting unusual effort into its print functions may not be wise.

However, I would support improvement in its floating point calculations, 
including implementing 'slop' in testing for equality.  This is not only for 
use when expressions include the equal sign, but also for cases where comparing 
two numbers is done in important internal operations, like checking that 
primary keys do not include duplicate entries.

However, I just tried to create some relevant problems:

SQLite version 2015-05-20 18:17:19
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> INSERT INTO t VALUES (1,'one'),(2,'two');
sqlite> INSERT INTO t VALUES (1.4,'one point four'),(1.5,'one point 
five'),(1.6,'one point six');;
sqlite> SELECT * FROM t;
1.4|one point four
1.5|one point five
1.6|one point six
sqlite> INSERT INTO t VALUES (1.6,'attempt duplication');
Error: UNIQUE constraint failed: t.r
sqlite> INSERT INTO t VALUES (1.3+0.3,'attempt duplication');
Error: UNIQUE constraint failed: t.r
sqlite> INSERT INTO t VALUES (1.2+0.2,'attempt duplication');
Error: UNIQUE constraint failed: t.r
sqlite> INSERT INTO t VALUES (0.2+0.8,'attempt duplication');
Error: UNIQUE constraint failed: t.r
sqlite> INSERT INTO t VALUES (0.3+0.7,'attempt duplication');
Error: UNIQUE constraint failed: t.r
sqlite> SELECT 0.3+0.7, (0.3+0.7) = (0.2+0.8);
sqlite> SELECT 0.3+0.7, (0.3+0.7) - 1, (0.3+0.7) = 1;
sqlite> SELECT 

As you can see (remembering that 1 = TRUE), SQLite is correctly noticing the 
problem when it does pure comparisons, whether in internal collations or for 
other tests for equality.  What it's not doing is checking for near equality 
when printing.  And I'm happy with that.

Simon Slavin.

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