Zsb?n Ambrus wrote:
> The documentation explains how to quote a filename to be suitable as
> an URI path.  Is there a C function in the public API that I can call
> to do this quoting for me automatically?


> It's also not clear to me how to quote filenames on unix if they
> contain non-ascii bytes.  The description of URI filenames at the
> documentation page of the sqlite3_open function at
> "http://sqlite.org/c3ref/open.html"; says that the filename has to be
> UTF-8 encoded before it is URI-escaped, which makes sense on a Windows
> system, but not very meaningful on a unix system where the filenames
> are strings of bytes.

When SQLite makes system calls, file names (which are assumed to be in
UTF-8) are not converted.  So while the documentation warns about using
anything but UTF-8, you have to use the same encoding as the file system
if your file names are not UTF-8.


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