On 9/11/15, Richard Hipp <drh at sqlite.org> wrote:

>On 9/11/15, Aurel Wisse <aurel.wisse at gmail.com> wrote:

>> I used a recursive aggregate query in 3.8.9 and it worked very well. Just

>> upgraded to 3.11.1 and the query is broken.


>> This seems to be directly related to


>> Check-in [6d2999af]: Do not allow recursive CTEs that use aggregate

>> in the recursive part.


>> It worked, and now it is disabled. Why ?



>If it worked for you before, that was luck.  Aggregate queries in a

>recursive CTE have never worked for the general case.  In fact, I

>didn't realize that there were any cases where it did actually work.

>Can you share with use an example of an aggregate query in a recursive

>CTE that gives a reasonable answer?

Here is the example. It doesn't use an actual aggregation (sum, count), but

"min" aggregate function.

>From a list of dates, create a lookup table with two

columns: the original date (calc_date) and the date after calc_date (tmw).


WITH RECURSIVE dtoff(calc_date, tmw) AS (

WITH dates(cd) AS (SELECT DISTINCT calc_date FROM securities)

SELECT NULL, min(cd) FROM dates


SELECT dtoff.tmw, min(dates.cd) FROM dtoff, dates

WHERE dates.cd > dtoff.tmw AND dtoff.tmw NOTNULL

AND strftime('%%w', dates.cd)<>'0')

SELECT * from dtoff WHERE calc_date NOTNULL ORDER BY calc_date;

Aurel Wisse

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