I would like thanks to all contributors of this interesting debate, for their 


> As with Rob, this is my final say as well.

> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 1:38 PM, Petr L?z?ovsk? <lazna at volny.cz>wrote:

>> 1. Security through obscurity is your first mistake. There is no such thing.
>  Interesting.... It does not exist, but it have article on wikipedia. Sounds 
> like UFO or Yetti...

> "Security through Obscurity" in layman terms is that you provide no 
> additional valid information to whomever is accessing your system.  If you're 
> URL provides CGI in its path, it points (Doesn't necessarily MEAN) more at 
> that it is a Linux box than a Windows box.  That doesn't mean it isn't, just 
> that it is more likely to.  Looking at HTTP headers, you can find out what OS 
> your script is running on, what version of PHP, ASP, .NET, whatever.  Black 
> Hats typically keep a very long list of found security holes on every single 
> version of whatever script processor you're using.  Obscurity means you're 
> just muddying the waters, or hiding facts, or acting like an outright liar.  
> It doesn't mean your system becomes locked down and people aren't going to be 
> interested ESPECIALLY if you're found to be on a fat pipe to the net.  
> Because Security through Obscurity is becoming more mainstream, I'm sure 
> these Black Hats don't even look at that and have techniques to just get what 
> they need done.

 >> 2. Assuming that nobody is writing CGI scripts on Windows Servers is your 
 >> next mistake. A lot of systems still do this, a lot of old systems still 
 >> use this technique and some new ones, The attack vector is not necessarily 
 >> through your CGI script itself but through the Windows Web server. Unless 
 >> you have patched and patched and patched your web server, you will be 
 >> attacked.
>  Of course I keep my web server software up-to-date, why do you think I do 
> not did it? I am talking here about my scripts, not about the server SW. But 
> the server SW is relatively rare too...

> "Scripts" and the underlying script processors are what do the processing.  
> OS updates are one thing, but the script processing engine is another, and so 
> are the scripts you write.  If any one of those three links in the chain are 
> broken, then buh-bye security.  The script processor talks to the OS to get 
> things done, such as allocate memory, set aside a portion of drive space, 
> execute other code, etc.  If you don't sanitize your inputs 100% of the time 
> properly, you're subject to losing a LOT of information or having your 
> machine taken over, or as Rob mentions, resources sold (A thought I hadn't 
> even  thought about).  The 'execute other code' should scare the bejezus out 
> of you.  If your system is allowed to run other code (Say, for example, [ ls 
> -ltr /etc ] to get a directory list), if you don't sanitize your code, 
> someone can (Not might, CAN if you don't sanitize) change that to [ ls -ltr 
> /etc ; rm -rf /etc ] and if Apache has access to write anything there, you 
> have a new install of an OS to do.

> The company I work for sells software for the web that runs off both IIS and 
> Apache under Linux.  Both are scrutinized for security even though the main 
> portion of the software is behind a paywall (Need credentials to get into the 
> heart and main functions of the system) and all communications are via HTTPS. 
>  All HTTPS does is ensure that no one else knows what you're saying on the 
> socket, essentially.  It doesn't mean that the system isn't hackable.  If we 
> didn't ensure that the login field on the login page wasn't sanitized, then 
> we're pretty much bending over.

 >> 3. You assume that nobody is interested in your machine. Wrong. A lot of 
 >> people are very interested as they can add your hacked server to their 
 >> bonnet and sell your resources on. Your machine does not have to be 
 >> publicised at all. As an example, I have a private server which I use. It 
 >> has no DNS entry (a common way to search for machines), so is only 
 >> accessible through an IP address which has never been published. It only 
 >> has a single ssh port open and port 80 for a private web server running 
 >> some software there rest of the machine is locked down as best I can. The 
 >> lock down took me a day to do. It is not trivial. My last weekly report 
 >> showed over 200,000 attempts to break into the machine via ssh, http, and 
 >> various CGI exploits. Thats 200,000 robot attempts, the most prevalent was 
 >> an ssh attempt from a single machine which accounted for 72,000 goes. A 
 >> public web server I have has over 1M hacking attempts per week. This is for 
 >> a low usage machine.
>  Script kiddies starting codes writen to attack widely spreaded systems, 
> otherwise it will be not much fun. Some of this codes could be specialized to 
> intrude minor systems, but I have doubts there are number of working scripts 
> to successfuly intrude systems with rare occurance.
>  Real hackers, those who are experienced in writing WORKING code targeted to 
> intrude one specific rare system, need a REAL reason to did such job. My 
> system does not offer such reason....

> "Real hackers" is funny.  I've never met a fake one.  

> People DO want your machine, and it isn't for fun, but for profit and money, 
> which is a hell of a lot more motivational than fun.  Your mentality is still 
> pointing at the script kiddy level, not at a high end serious money making 
> strategies which INVOLVES your computer(s).  They don't care what your 
> computer has on it, what it is running, what your software does, or anything 
> of the sort.  They just want onto your machine to make it do their bidding, 
> and if you don't ONLY secure the box with updates, and validate that your 
> code can't be tricked into doing something it shouldn't be doing, then you 
> might as well just hand the keys over to the black hats.

 >> I give your machine less than 24 hours once it is live on the internet if 
 >> you put it on without taking security seriously. You need to get the OS 
 >> patched up, the ports closed down, the web server patched up and correctly 
 >> configured. Out of the box the security on a Windows server (depending on 
 >> the version) is poor. You need to learn what you need to do (and there are 
 >> loads of guides on the internet) otherwise your server will be owned by 
 >> somebody else very quickly.
>  As I already wrote, not using IIS. OS is protected by manualy configured 
> firewall. By concept Security through obscurity using this one 
> http://wipfw.sourceforge.net/ Intruding script perform OS detection first, 
> but do  not expect BSD firewall on Windows... Simple as it. Did you 
> understand STO concept now?

> A firewall isn't going to save your hide.  A firewall is a bunch of holes to 
> let information flow through to different machines.  It is a single point in 
> which one more more computers are exposed to the net.  Firewalls have the 
> ability to sniff out what inbound traffic is doing and validate if what the 
> inbound communication is doing is not an attempt to break the TCP/UDP 
> packaging system, or not allow Torrent traffic, or decide the actions on 
> whatever different type of communication protocols are out there, but it 
> ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT protect you against unsanitized code.

> What people expect versus what people are going to do are two completely 
> different things.  They may not expect that you're running a BSD firewall on 
> windows, but then, why would they care?  They already know you're running a 
> web server, so they'll run their suite of tools against it to find those 
> exploits.

> You need to get it through your head that money is the driving force Black 
> Hats work for.  If they have access to ONE of your computers, they may be 
> able to gain access to more.  If they have access to more, they'll turn 
> whatever they have access to into a cluster.  These guys DO-NOT-CARE what 
> you're running, just that the resources exist and that they want to exploit 
> it.

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