On 13-09-15 15:45, Abilio Marques wrote:
> This is for making a quick question and leaving a note:
> ??
> What is a recursive aggregate query? What is it useful for? Been using SQL
> for a while, and is the first time I face the term. I even used Oracle for
> a year and a half, and never saw a CONNECT BY (seems to be a proprietary
> equivalent) in all the queries I ever saw (I did code maintenance from time
> to time).

for example, you can calculate a factorial using a 'recusive query':
('42' is just used as a random number to stop....)

WITH factorial (n, f) AS
   SELECT 1, 1
   SELECT n+1, (n+1)*f FROM factorial
   WHERE n<42
SELECT * FROM factorial;

an 'recursive aggregate query' also uses 'agregate' functions (like SUM, 
MIN, MAX,...)

and this is where this thread was about....
(i cannot think of a simple example..... ;(

> To cut straight to the point, maybe Wikipedia shouldn't mention SQLite (if
> it's really buggy), and I believe someone with the understanding of the
> SQLite reality perhaps should go and edit the article:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_and_recursive_queries_in_SQL

sQlite work ok with a 'recursive query', but it seems not to do so with 
a 'recursive agregate query'

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