On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 5:47 PM, Simon Slavin <slavins at bigfraud.org> wrote:

> On 21 Sep 2015, at 12:32am, Scott Robison <scott at casaderobison.com> wrote:
> > 4. Step through the prepared statement from #1 again after doing any
> > necessary reset. No finalize / re-prepare step.
> I believe that if you have done the first _step() then the SELECT will not
> notice any schema change until you have received SQLITE_DONE or done
> _reset() or _finalize().  In other words, you don't have to worry about the
> issue.  It might be interesting to check this with and without WAL
> journalling.
> I agree that if you do a _reset() then you might have to worry about
> columns being changed.  I believe that _reset() releases locks, just like
> the other two things I mentioned above.

Right, and that seems to be the crux of the OP question. Can he tell when a
statement has been recompiled due to a schema change, because it might
invalidate information he has cached locally in process.

This may be a case of premature optimization, worrying about how much time
a language boundary transition might take. Or perhaps the OP has found a
use case where regular but not frequent schema changes might be called for.

Scott Robison

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