On Mon, 21 Sep 2015 14:26:54 +0200, Shuhrat Rahimov
<sandrorkmv at gmail.com> wrote:

> [...] I think I have found the problem. I do the
> following: call sqlite3_bind_text() and then if successful I call
> sqlite3_step() on the prepared statement and then call sqlite3_reset().
> This sequence is called 20 times as one SQL transaction. I have noticed
> that the problem occurs after about 20 transactions since power on. I have
> noticed that before sqlite3_bind_text() returns Error 21, the
> sqlite3_step() returns NO_MEM error. So, here maybe I am simply running out
> of RAM. I have only 160 K of RAM. What could I do here in order to free
> memory after sqlite3_step() for further operations.

The simplest way to reduce memory footprint is to tune page_size
and cache_size with the apropriate PRAGMAs.


Kees Nuyt

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