For the past year, I've had a script that runs daily that reads all the
links off of and downloads anything that is
missing.  It has been a long while since I've looked at this particular
section of my NAS, but thought I'd bring my repositories up to snuff, and
build my own DLLs against each revision posted again.  (So, yes, Richard,
as a prank, you could slap a 1tb garbage file up and my script would
dutifully download it....  My ISP would LOVE more of my money)

First, I noticed that there hasn't been anything posted new for the
amalgamation a long while (July 30 for according to my file
systems time stamp), so thinking that my script broke for whatever reason,
curiosity bit me.  I checked the download site and no, things seem to be
working.  So a testament to stability, both for the code, and surprisingly
for my script!!

Second, I noticed that on the download page itself TODAY has no reference
to files named "" yet I have a bunch of
them in my archives.  Are these the files put up for the purpose of the
pre-releases of a finalized build and my script is working better than
expected??? (I might get the script to filter those files out, but being a
digital file packrat....)

Third, I don't know if it is something that can be done now, but I've
noticed that on a very few of these downloads, I'm getting file sizes in
the 5kb range.  Looking at the raw bytes of the zip file in a text editor
is a bit strange, but it looks like the .zip file was downloaded as an HTML
file.  (As in, rename the zip file to .TXT and open up in notepad, kinda
raw content).  I'm thinking that the web server didn't find the file when I
requested so just spit out the page.

Fourth, a little bit of hand-holding might be needed, but do the zipped
archives of the released amalgamations (Not the dated files) exist on the
web server somewhere, or can I get the zip from the SQlite repo?  If only
from the repo, where can I get either the .c/.h or .zip file for older
versions?  (Just in case I miss a revision in the future because of that
5kb thing) -- Maybe because of that 5kb thing I should write into my script
that any zip file that is less than 100kb should be just flat out deleted.
I'm a somewhat interested in getting older versions for the sake of just
having them, and going back to them in case I want/need them.

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