On 2016-04-23 1:20 AM, Michele Pradella wrote:
> I have an In-Memory DB that is written and read from connections of the
> same process. All good with shared cache, but I found that TableLock
> occur more often on In-Memory than on disk DB, probably because in
> memory we can't use WAL.
> Anyway I found the PRAGMA read_uncommitted that from documentation seams
> a way to read without the problem of table lock. The question is about
> this sentence "This can lead to inconsistent query results if another
> database connection modifies a table while it is being read".
> "inconsistent" means just "out of date"? or there can be some other type
> of inconsistent data?

Usually "inconsistent" means you see a result that is partially an old value 
partially a new one, such as if you open a photograph and find that the top 
was overwritten with a different photo; you get the incomplete results of a 
change in progress, for example, say if one is recording a bank funds transfer 
with one record showing an account debit and another showing an account credit, 
readers may only see one of those and then they see a database where the 
don't add up properly, as if it were corrupt; that is what "inconsistent" 
-- Darren Duncan

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