>1) has "song LEFT JOIN (song_artist JOIN artist)".
>3) has "(song LEFT JOIN song_artist) JOIN artist".
>2) has "(song LEFT JOIN song_artist) LEFT JOIN artist".
>4) has "song LEFT JOIN (song_artist LEFT JOIN artist)".

OK, I see how you are saying the queries differ.

What I see as wrong is that in 1) (and 4) ) we have a query of the form
A LEFT JOIN B WHERE clause involving index fields on A

yet the optimiser does not search A, the outer table, first using the index.

You rightly said
> A left join forces SQLite to scan the outer table first.  This is
> necessary for the join to work correctly.

But it is not scanning song, the outer table, first. It is not optimising

Is there a way with 1) to get it to scan song first? Can you see why that
would be the optimal plan?

On 14 February 2016 at 10:49, Clemens Ladisch <clemens at ladisch.de> wrote:

> Dave Blake wrote:
> > 3) SELECT song.*, song_artist.*, artist.*
> > FROM song LEFT JOIN song_artist ON song.idSong = song_artist.idSong
> > JOIN artist ON song_artist.idArtist = artist.idArtist
> > WHERE song.idSong =1
> >
> > This ... has the same join combination as 1).
> No.
> 1) has "song LEFT JOIN (song_artist JOIN artist)".
> 3) has "(song LEFT JOIN song_artist) JOIN artist".
> > Similarly trying a view using outer join
> >
> > CREATE VIEW songartistleftview AS SELECT song_artist.idSong AS idSong,
> > song_artist.idArtist AS idArtist,
> > artist.strArtist AS strArtist
> > FROM song_artist LEFT JOIN artist ON song_artist.idArtist =
> artist.idArtist
> >
> > New query
> > 4) SELECT song.*, songartistleftview.* FROM song
> > LEFT JOIN songartistleftview ON song.idSong = songartistleftview.idSong
> > WHERE song.idSong =1
> >
> > 4) has same slow query plan as 1) despite having all left joins like 2).
> There are still differences:
> 2) has "(song LEFT JOIN song_artist) LEFT JOIN artist".
> 4) has "song LEFT JOIN (song_artist LEFT JOIN artist)".
> Regards,
> Clemens
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